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My Portfolio

My portfolio revolves around sustainable design and computational design to perform an optimized solution. 

Fly Architecture

Simulation of Flocks' Behavioral Strategies to Generate Complex Skins and Lightweight Structures. 

Group Members

Parinaz Mansourimajoumerd, Vahid Khabbazan, Fatemeh Absalan, Nasim Farhadi Balesht

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-17 at 9.00.21 PM.jpeg


Sufi whirling is this project's main concept in the form-finding section.  It is a form of physically active meditation that originated among certain Sufi groups. It is a customary meditation practice performed within the sema, or worship ceremony, through which dervishes aim to reach the source of all perfection, or karma. Also, In the modeling section, the Parakeet plugin in grasshopper has been used.

Ultra-Lightweight Building System CONCEPT

This project will explore the generation of complex objects’ skins. The design methodology will investigate the self-organizing gen­erative approaches through agent-based algorithms. The design aims to de­velop formal and artistic skin with diverse and not equal design processes. The surface of each object, such as buildings, can be the site of this design process.




The Boids algorithm, defined as an artificial life program that simulates the flocking behavior of the birds. This agent-based algorithm will simulate the movement and behavior of particles on the skin of the pre-designed model. The density of these particles can be modified accord­ing to the environmental stimulus.

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Agile Performance-based Building Massing Design Exploration and Optimization. DigitalFutures World 2021_Online Workshop

Group Members

Parinaz Mansourimajoumerd, Mahya Fani, Rasha Kiani, , Shadi ezzati



In this project, over 4000 alternatives were generated randomly with a wide range of parameters to reach the most flexibility and differentiation with parametrically automation components of the EvoMass plugin. In the following, those data sets made by the steady-state island evolutionary algorithm (SSIEA) in the EvoMass were analyzed in the Ladybug plugin. It proved that the best settlement solutions, at least due to the climatic situation of Bushehr port in the Persian Gulf, are so close to the vernacular strategies of living in thousands of years in the area. That's the start point of the design process, moving forward in ecological solutions, not going back in time.



Bushehr is the capital city of Bushehr Province and a port city in the south of Iran. It lies in a vast plain running along the coastal region on the Persian Gulf coast of southwestern Iran and was the main trade center of Iran in the past centuries.


There are a number of traditional monuments around the site that must be considered during the design, especially in the case of the maximum height of the building.


Access to the building is possible from all four directions of the site.


The main and secondary roads that surround the site have been identified. Location The project site is located near water and in the traditional context of Bushehr.

Direct Sun Hour


This component calculates the number of direct sunlight hours received by input geometry using sun vectors from the sunPath component. This component can be used to evaluate the number of hours of sunlight received by vegetation in a park or the hours where direct sunlight might make a certain outdoor space comfortable or uncomfortable.



Alternative 1_1                           Alternative 1_2                       Alternative 1_3                            Alternative 1_4

Ovl Fitness 100%                   Ovl Fitness 99.81%                   Ovl Fitness 99.51%                  Ovl Fitness 99.32%



Alternative 1_1                           Alternative 1_2                          Alternative 1_3                           Alternative 1_4 Ovl Fitness 96.01%            Ovl Fitness 95.58%                  Ovl Fitness 95.45%             Ovl Fitness 92.48%

Incident Radiation


This component allows you to calculate the radiation fallin on input _geometry using a sky matrix from the selectSkyMxt component. This type of radiation sutdy is useful for building surfaces such as windows, where you might be interested in solar heat gain, or solar panels, where you might be interested in the energy that can be collected. This component is also good for surfaces representing outdoor spaces (such as parks or seating areas) where radiation could affect thermal comfort or vegetation growth.



Alternative 1_1                       Alternative 1_2                          Alternative 1_3                          Alternative 1_4

Ovl Fitness 96.01%               Ovl Fitness 95.58%                   Ovl Fitness 95.45%                  Ovl Fitness 92.48%



Alternative 1_1                          Alternative 1_2                        Alternative 1_3                        Alternative 1_4

Ovl Fitness 100%                   Ovl Fitness 98.75%                 Ovl Fitness 97.94%                 Ovl Fitness 96.13%


Building form properties 1:1/7 _ 1:3

Orientation -North and northwest to take advantage of the prevailing winds

Locating on the slope -   Highest height -   Most airflow from the sea to the shore

Space organization - Combination of open, semi-open, and closed spaces around the central courtyard Roof type -Flat -Double shell roof with intermediate insulation

Window type -The windows are focused in the wind direction -Northside wide windows   Material Uniform urban white material (limestone and coral stone) Larger proportions of the windows on the first floor compared to the ground floor

Urban Morphology -  Extrovert- Introvert building -  Reduces buildings’ surfaces

Exposed to sunlight - Narrow alleys with high enclosures to provide shadow, oriented towards the seaside to increase airflow circulation

The Cube

An alternative for tomorrow's workspace during the pandemic. Academic and Group project.

Group Members

Parinaz Mansourimajoumerd, Sara Golzar, Sina Kalhory



The initial concept of this project has a movable office. Since not only this idea can preserve the human from the massive rate of death, which is happening because of the CVOVID-19, but it also will give people and societies a chance to save their economics. In addition, rarely can people find an isolated place where they could feel safe, but this design will give humans massive opportunities to encounter different issues in the early steps. Since these rooms are usable in various designs and functions, they can be a part of a house or a company. 

Different Final Design Alternatives


Modular design


The basic model is a cube with a 3*3 area which gives us "designers" to many different alternatives for having a creative and efficient workplace.


In today`s fast-paced world, infectious disease outbreaks pose a serious threat to the whole world. Hence, human beings are forced to quarantine themselves and spend most of their time in isolated build spaces without having any social contact with others, while they have to fulfill their need.

This can have far-reaching impacts on the future of this terrestrial planet. While this project gives chances to employees to do their tasks, take a rest, have their meals, and earn money. On the other hand, they can move horizontally and communicate with their co-workers, and exchange ideas while avoiding any physical contact with each other.  


The Movement of The Cubes

Cubes considered as an office rooms can move in three different directions (X, Y & Z) to reach their exact location in the tower. Meanwhile, because of this system, cubes can be isolated in the quarantine period. Since people can come to the workspace with their private cars and after that without breaking their isolation, they could continue their work in their office.

Dynamic Rails

There are two sorts of movements for the rails' jagged, one when cube rails have to move inside or outside the cube at once. In comparison, the other way is that each jagged moving separately when they want to pass the columns (both the structure and cubes jagged).


Various Parts of Designed Cube 

In the "tomorrow workspace" project, employees park their cars, sit in their enclosed and fully-equipped cubes. And they move vertically through some movable structures and then horizontally thoroughly embedded rails to be placed in their fixed locations located on each floor. The fixed floors between the small portable offices and the folding walls have been designed so that we could have an open workspace after the coronavirus. In other words, employees could meet colleagues and have physical contact with each other without any barrier during the post-coronavirus.


Kinetic Architecture

Reinterpreting Persian Mathematics and Astronomy.

Published essay in eCAADe 2018 - 36th Annual Conference. Lodz, Poland.



The kinetic architecture allows occupants to experience new environments, which could cause raising the efficiency of the buildings. Therefore, constructions with kinetic elements could serve better utilitarian purposes in different fields. In the following project, studies are about using kinetic design and fabrication method in one project despite common ways regarding the two main points. 1. The impact of Khayyam's mathematics and astronomy on the proposed kinetic architecture. 2. Creating interaction Between Indigenous ideas and Contemporary Architecture in Khayyam Memorial Pavilion.


kinetic pavilion

Building a kinetic pavilion was the first idea of this essay since when it comes to modern architecture, the dynamism of the project would be an inseparable part of contemporary architecture. This alternative would increase the construction sustainability according to the various conditions. Also, kinetic projects could provide visitors with different feelings about the same environments. However, what makes this pavilion different from others is its connection with the mathematics and astronomy of Omar Khayyam. 


How to build a module?

For having a module with 15 bases, there is a need to prepare 30 similar skewers. Then, they must be connected two by two by put rubber bands in the middle of the skewers. Then, all of the second skewers of each couple skewers will be attached to the first skewers of the next ones. After that, those rubber bands must be placed in the ¼ of the skewers. Finally, both the third and last steps are the same as part two; instead of joining the first skewers to the next second skewers, they must miss one of the couple skewers from the top, and two of them form the end of skewers.


Move the pavilion

This pavilion has eleven Hyperboloid modules. Each module can have 3 to an unlimited number of bars, but regarding the visual comfort, sunlight, and implementation section, the number of bars could play a significant role. Thus, after building several prototypes,  15 bars were considered for each module.
In addition, this structure moves in a particular way. According to the image, the central module and last five modules move in a similar pattern while the other five, located in the middle, move oppositely. Hence, when the five middle modules were opened, the other six modules will be closed, and vice versa.


Traditional Pavilion Construction

Participation in construction and design during a winter semester.




The Department of Architecture at Tarbiat Modares University, to enhance the quality of its traditional structures, decided to educate its students on some of the methods used in the past. The students continued to build the pavilion with the guidance of several architects who reconstruction some of the ancient buildings in IRAN.

  1. Filling the central space between two ribs

  2. Gypsum slurry for brick placement

  3. Part of the ribs view

  4. Gypsum mold facade

  5. Ribs

  6. Gypsum mold

  7. Sitting space

  8. Flooring with cement mortar and bricks

  9. Cement mortar for flat surface

  10. Blocks for filling

  11. Skein to connect the pillars together













Traditionally making a pavilion by using gypsum molds

The first step is to make a project plan marked on the site and complete the foundation with concrete and rebar. Then implementation of the pavilion columns to place the gypsum frames on them. In the final stage, the bricks are placed next to the gypsum molds and the arches are formed.



International Student Competition UIA-HYP Cup 2015 International Student Competition in Architectural Design, China Beijing. 

Group Members

Parinaz Mansourimajoumerd,Bahere Vojdani, Tarlan Abazari

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In this project, architects intend to rebuild one of the heritage of Iran with a modern approach through designing this complex which could develop some roots of this ancient civilization in the global society again. 


A university with a universal approach began working in Iran in the Sasanian era around the 17th century. Place where had gathered the knowledge seekers from all nationalities and religions. Time, however, has buried this construction under a pile of dust as a part of the past and has turned it into one of the layers of nature. The design of Gundeshapaur city is a combination of the architecture of the ancient civilizations. The executed plans of this city include wide and straight streets, orderly crossroads, and parallel alleys with one-story and sometimes two or three-story buildings. Gundeshapaur city was generally rectangular and had several longitudinal and transverse streets in such a manner that the town resembled a chessboard somehow.


The ancient city of Gandi Shapur 


Academy of Gondishapur

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Project Design Section

This project has been tried to vanish limitations and connect not only between the various parts of each floor but also to develop the connection among the building floors.
People are the prominent builders of this civilization. The life spirit of the Gundishapur University has been renewed by locating a new university in the village, and a shell has been used as a global society symbol, which acts as a protector of the past heritage. 


Plan & Interior Design

This project intends to preserve part of the Iran heritage with a modern approach by designing this complex. The concept of the interior part of this building was to create a timeless surface in the project by eliminating these walls.  

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Design Section

Design main module
Achievement connection of the old and modern
Orientation of mass than the site Extrude the mass by simulative shell


Prototype Construction

For putting each cork Bar in the right location, several jagged panels have been designed. The cork bars were placed on the edge of the designed panels.


Energy Efficient Building

This is a Commercial and Educational building that is designed based on modular architecture.


Work Experience



This project has been designed according to the modular approaches.

In the 1920s, modular and prefabricated houses were at the forefront of modernist architecture, with avant-garde architects considering it a movement. They used creative techniques in the construction of blocks. Moreover, building a structure in a modular way is like building a car. It is essential to know that Modular Design creates limitations for designers, which is why it requires more creativity, but it can be one of the effective ways to achieve passive buildings.

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The Floors’ Plan The dimensions and form of stores, educational classes, and other required spaces are predetermined. Plan of the floors of the building from the basement to the sixth floor


An integrated approach toward suitability for developing countries in a semi-arid climate


Accepted essay in REEE 2021:


The 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering


High-Performance Envelope




This study aimed to develop a method to reduce energy consumption by optimizing the passive shell on buildings. As the case study, the impact of this passive system on electricity and gas consumption has been investigated, a prototype has been simulated in the DesignBuilding software. Using shell as a passive strategy was examined in terms of its material and its distance from exterior walls in an administrative building in Iran.


Geographical and climatic characteristics

District 22 of Tehran is located in the northwestern part of Tehran, downstream of the Kan and Verdij river basins. In the north, this region is next to the Central Alborz Mountains. In the east, district 22 is near the Kan River.


Site Plan Analysis

Controlling solar radiation and shading on the building by the shell is the main aim of this project. Therefore, changing its variables has been an attempt to reduce fuel consumption and increase thermal comfort in terms of optimizing energy construction patterns. 


Solar Conveyor


Optimization Shell

This shell is examined in terms of its materials and distance from the building’s exterior walls. Then, the building once without the shell and another time with the shell will be simulated until the impacts of this passive cooling system in reducing the electricity and gas are determined. 


Items used to optimize the shell

By placing the shell in the southern façade of the building, different optimizations in two seasons (summer and winter) demonstrate that the accurate benefits of the optimized shell are undeniable. However, it should be noted that although using the passive shell in this project showed little impact on preserving energy consumption in an administrative building during a year, it is a key factor to consider the long-period effect of the shell on costs.

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